String Quartet No.1 “Polar Energy Budget”

Basic info.

Composer: Hiroto NAGAI
Composed year: 2022
Original performance: PRT Quartet
Time: 6 min.

Original performance


The materials for this work are originated from satellite-based earth observation data and climatic reanalysis datasets. They quantify the temporal changes of multiple physical quantities (i.e. shortwave and longwave radiation, surface temperature, cloud optical thickness, and precipitation). Four polar-regional points (i.e. an ice-core drilling site in the Greenland ice sheet, satellite communication facilities at Svalbard Islands, Showa Station in Antarctica, and Dome Fuji Station in Antarctica) are set for data sampling for two violins, a viola, and a cello. The composer’s artificiality is added very little in the introduction chapter, whereas it appears more intensively in the latter chapter of the piece.

In meteorology and other earth science, we know that almost all atmospheric phenomena and ecosystem are fundamentally driven by the solar radiant energy. The solar energy transmitted in different forms causes the balance and order on the terrestrial surface, resulting in human’s civilization. Not only focusing on outreach against the global warming, but the composer here intends to express great possibilities to tell about numerous aspects of earth science with artistic expression supported by the sonification technique.



Compositional commentary



This musical composition and performance were carried out in a research project financially supported by the Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan. A climatic reanalysis dataset, ERA5, provided by the Copernicus Climate Change Service and MODIS datasets provided by Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC), NASA were imported for composition. Those contributions are greatly appreciated.